Thursday, June 21, 2007

Conclusive Proof

That I do indeed know what I'm talking about. Checkout this story by Dan Wetzel.

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Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Since No One is Reading...

I can write whatever I want....

Ok, my writing partner and myself have undertaken an interesting endeavor, to wit: Write the reverse of Inherit the Wind. For those that haven't seen the movie, it's basically a fictionalized account of The Scopes Monkey Trial. For those that don't know what that is, well....

Now, of course, our angle is, that since evolution is the predominant junk science being taught these days, that anyone teaching Intelligent Design is in the minority, and therefore needs to speak up, and have their voice heard.

Clearly, there must be something to this argument, as we find there's a whole slew of books out there promoting Darwinism, which at its base, is indeed, atheism. Websites everywhere, espousing both points of view, even referencing each other....

I wonder what God has to say about all this?

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