Friday May 29, 2020
The Order, and Google Chrome. Original Video Animation, and more computer languages
have died than I know exist. Platforms that I didn't know about a week ago I will be
using. This is what happens when the little head rules the big head.
Book of the face amps me up all most as much as Twitter these days. Social Justice Warriors, or
SJW's, are truly taking their influence to the next level. What if no one's listening? What
then? Maybe half of your followers are following you because they want to laugh at you
instead of with you. Maybe they're telling their "friends" that they should do the opposite
of what you're espousing. Not too much we can do about this, is there?
We know better. We know the correct path, but do we have the right to tell others how to
live? Certainly in the 21st century, we have the privilege to be allowed to do so. Just pay
enough money to the right sites, and have at it. Most are sheeple, and won't think for
themselves as they need to be told what to do and when to do it. If you're lucky, they'll
give you money for that information too.
All the good stuff is free. Well, if you're getting it free, it's on an ad supported site, and
you've probably subscribed. The pay per click model is relevant and rampant.
Micropayments are a thing in this era of rampant blockchain creation, and everyone
shouting, "Pick me, pick me!!!"
We're only in the middle of a pandemic if we know when it will end. Those that think they
know say we're going to be going through this to the end of the year at least. They're
selling fear. The clowns to the left of me are saying, "Stay home. Stay Safe. We're in this
together." These statements are only true if you believe them.
I'm glad I live in a country where I don't have to listen to those in charge if I don't have
to. Sure, there's consequences, and that's fine. I'm willing to accept them. Food is
medicine. I've said before that I met a doctor that states Americans have the healthiest
urine on the planet. Okay. What do I do with this information?
I don't know. Or, the lazy person's response to anything lately, "Google it." NO!!!! One,
there's better search engines out there, and more importantly B) If you don't know, then
you don't know. Say it!!!! Try it with me, "I don't know." Wasn't that easy?
There's a lot of great stuff out there, and a lot of great people willing to give you free
information, however, you have to act on it, and be mindful. The jokers to the right are
probably saying en masse, "You should only listen to me!!!"
Being a centrist sucks sometimes, and that probably rates about a 50 on the suck scale.
Typical. Remember, on that scale, lower scores are better. However, the ability to make a
decision that's going to tick off half of the unwashed masses no matter what you do is
quite possibly a learned skill that I've mastered. At least it's an idea.
I was attempting to explain this to someone recently, and either I started talking too fast,
or an old injury came back, but the point is I started slurring my speech. Not a great way
to get someone to listen to you. The default after that is to go louder, because maybe
they didn't hear you the first time. Or if they did, they weren't paying attention, and I
don't truly like repeating myself.
I don't know how many plans that I'm either directly or indirectly involved with have been
put on hold, or at least, delayed. There's a serious lack of communication going on not
just here, but everywhere. I do know that it's been over 45 years since I made the
decision that put me on this current path that led me here today to give these words to
I don't know how many of you are going to read this, and I don't know where you'll read it
either. I just know that my advice may be heard, and you may have heard it elsewhere
first. It doesn't make what I'm saying here any less valid. It just means that I may be
right this time.
You may proceed at your leisure or peril. Choose to ignore me and come back for the
laughs, as you know, the funny is always free.
72 and sunny in Redondo Beach. Adjust your expectations accordingly.™
probably saying en masse, "You should only listen to me!!!"
Being a centrist sucks sometimes, and that probably rates about a 50 on the suck scale.
Typical. Remember, on that scale, lower scores are better. However, the ability to make a
decision that's going to tick off half of the unwashed masses no matter what you do is
quite possibly a learned skill that I've mastered. At least it's an idea.
I was attempting to explain this to someone recently, and either I started talking too fast,
or an old injury came back, but the point is I started slurring my speech. Not a great way
to get someone to listen to you. The default after that is to go louder, because maybe
they didn't hear you the first time. Or if they did, they weren't paying attention, and I
don't truly like repeating myself.
I don't know how many plans that I'm either directly or indirectly involved with have been
put on hold, or at least, delayed. There's a serious lack of communication going on not
just here, but everywhere. I do know that it's been over 45 years since I made the
decision that put me on this current path that led me here today to give these words to
I don't know how many of you are going to read this, and I don't know where you'll read it
either. I just know that my advice may be heard, and you may have heard it elsewhere
first. It doesn't make what I'm saying here any less valid. It just means that I may be
right this time.
You may proceed at your leisure or peril. Choose to ignore me and come back for the
laughs, as you know, the funny is always free.
72 and sunny in Redondo Beach. Adjust your expectations accordingly.™