Image via CrunchBaseOver on FriendFeed, there's a conversation wherein @TechCrunch called out @Scobleizer on his social media addiction. To which I say, huh? The numbers that are significant are these: 7 hours a day on Friend Feed, for, a year, more or less.
@TechCrunch states that @Scobleizer's “Addiction” has decreased his blogging time, and everyone that matters, has seen this as a problem. @Scobleizer stated his rebut as it were, somewhere. Points were made by both sides, however, let's do the math, shall we?
Now, I bill my time @ $150/hr minimum 2, when I“m hired as a consultant. @Scobleizer may make more or less than that, so, let's stay with that #. Based on the above, 7x7x52x150= wait for it, a whole lot a money. Or, $382, 200 US, lest you didn't think I had a calculator. There are too many other things that I don't know, and if this goes viral as I suspect it will, someone's going to straighten me out. But I digress....
If the company that he works for pays him less than that, they're getting a great deal. If he makes more than that, He's getting a great deal. Why should we believe anything beyond that? Most of use work eight hours a day, and we make significantly less. @Scobleizer has found a way to work only 7. I want that job!!!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
The Case For @Scobleizer
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8:51 AM
Thursday, December 18, 2008
The Blatant Self Promotion Tour
So, if my followers read this first, you must read the article referenced above, at which point, the link to nominate me should be in there. I think. I haven't quite tested everything yet. That's right, I'm making this up as I go....
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1:04 PM
Thursday, December 11, 2008
It's snowing at Word Press.
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9:38 AM
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Ignored Netflix Movies Fight Back
The classic movies in your Netflix queue that you never actually watch are sick and tired of your neglect. At least, that's what the blurb says.... Ever feel that you're just one innovation behind the curve?
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10:06 AM
Saturday, November 08, 2008
I might be doing the right thing...
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7:41 AM
Saturday, November 01, 2008
And if that doesn't convince you...
And, this coming from one of the 95% of American's whose taxes won't go “up” under Obama's plan. Of course, I don't believe that, either....
“Sen. Obama owes it to the public to let us know how much of our hard-earned money he, in his wisdom, believes we have a moral obligation to give away to poor people around the world—and how much of our money that he has a moral obligation to extract from our wages forcefully, through federal taxation.” —Tony Blankley |
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7:54 AM
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Why I'm voting for McCain
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5:25 AM
Monday, July 07, 2008
UK Schoolboys punished for refusing to pray to Allah!
Two UK schoolboys at Alsager School, near Stoke were given detention after refusing to kneel down and ‘pray to Allah’ during a religious education lesson.Parents were outraged that the two British boys (11year-olds) were punished for not wanting to take part in the practical demonstration of how the Muslim God Allah is worshipped.That's the front of the story.... The rest is worse. Much worse. If we are indeed in End Times, as one of the commenteers projects, then I suggest you all prepare yourselves for The Rapture. Not to be confused with the mediocre movie of the same name....
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1:11 PM
Saturday, June 28, 2008
My Whole Universe is Blown....
There's too much out there to keep up with it all, given a finite amount of money with which to purchase the various Bat-titles. I thought long and hard about that hyphen, BTW. In any case, my recent influx of money, courtesy of other unfortunate randoms, allowed me to catch up.
Or so I thought. Bruce Wayne had a heart attack. He's got a 'new' girlfriend. New Batmobile. Looks cool, but still. Why wasn't I notified? I understand that change is a constant, especially in the DC Universe, however, another epic with my favorite character might be one too many for me.
Don't get me wrong, I'm ok with Grant Morrison creating a storyline to tie up all his work on the title, however, don't hit me with the "so and so will never be the same!" mantra, as I've heard it too many times before.
Oh yeah. Jason Todd is apparently still alive, and running around as, get this, Red Robin. Thumbing the proverbial nose at all those that voted for, and thought he was, dead. Maybe I'm the last one to know. However, if you stopped reading about ten years ago, and then picked up the comic again, you might be in for a rude awakening.
So, to review, Batman will never be the same. Good to know.
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10:06 AM
Friday, June 06, 2008
Cram this: a firsthand account of cramming
The Federal Trade Commission calls this "the practice of placing unauthorized, misleading, or deceptive charges on your telephone bill." Crammers rely on confusing telephone bills in an attempt to trick consumers into paying for services they did not authorize or receive, or that cost more than the consumer was led to believe.
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6:02 AM
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
My Life, Is Over!!!
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11:45 PM
Monday, May 12, 2008
Where Have I Been?
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9:25 AM