Friday, May 08, 2009


Now, maybe it's because I don't have enough followers, or at least, those that care that Twitter will be down @ 2p PDT today, because, I couldn't get the above mentioned hashtag to trend. And in about 3 hours, it will be too late. Does everyone know that Twitter is going down for maintenance, or just me? I know the Twitter guys know. They're the ones that announced it. Of course, on my Twitter home page, which I rarely if ever visit because I use TweetDeck, it states that Twitter is going down tomorrow @ 2p. But if you click the link for status, you're directed to the Twitter blog that says, it's going down today. @ 2p. PDT. So, maybe I'm ahead of the curve, or I've missed the panic entirely. Maybe I need to contact the #hashtagmafia for help, I don't know.

What I do know, and as we have discussed previously, is that it's big.

Adjust your expectations accordingly.

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