Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Free Time

Is an oxymoron.

There, I said it.

Chris Brogan just wrote a post about managing your time, and that it's your business. Allow me to elaborate further. It is a business. That is yours. I'm not going to tell you how to manage your time, that's for you to decide.

I could make this a nebulous Seth Godin-like post and end here, however, I believe that would be a disservice, therefore, I'll elaborate. And maybe expand on a few of the ideas I've read lately, including Chris Penn's. He actually was elaborating on his previous post.

Now, I could make this an elaborate discussion about the various points mentioned in the somewhat referenced articles, complete with bullet points and action items, however, again, that's for you to decide.

Here's how I do it.

Twitter and Facebook are mentioned as distractions, and that may be true. For you. As all of you should know, they are part of, The Experiment, which as always, continues. I recently passed the two year anniversary of same, and so far, it's been successful beyond my expectations. Maybe for the three year anniversary, I'll actually let you in on what it is.... But of course, if I do that, it will taint the results. Something about the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle at work.

I have seven blogs that I write for, at various times about various subjects, including this one. I realize now that I should've put this one on my Idea Masters™ blog, as time is an idea that I may have mastered.

"Bow down to me, Time!!! I am, your Master!!!" And when I say that, I'm actually writing it for you to do, as your evil laugh is quite possibly better than mine. And I don't have the time to create the 12 second Twitvid required. Maybe I'll do that later.

We are all time travelers. We move forward, one second at a time. Well, that can be broken down further if you're a computer, but for the general populace, it's a good enough measure. Here's where the business part comes in. I charge for my time. $150/hr, minimum 2.  Of course, first contact is free, and I don't expect you to pay me to show up at your party, if you're inviting me. Just don't ask me to pay to be there. I'm not showing up.

There are certain things I do at various times of the day, and I've been pretty successful at compartmentalizing them. Some would argue that multitasking is a bad thing, however, I find this not to be true. While I'm writing this, I'm also tweeting, answering email, listening to the TV in the background, and finishing up a screenplay adaptation I got hired to do.

Some would argue that at any particular second, you can only focus on one thing, and that's probably true, for them. It's a learned practice to be able to do more than one thing at once, and then not think about the fact that you're actually doing more than one thing at once. The five senses come to mind here, as you're probably not actively responding to those stimuli right now, however, you are quite possibly doing at least two or three of them while you're reading this.

So, if you truly believe that you have free time, meaning, time that you're not charging yourself or others for, then go ahead, have fun this week. Or, you can do what I did yesterday. Figure out that time with your family is more valuable than anything you would possibly charge for, and spend time with them. Just realize, you are spending time. Not free.

56 and rainy in Redondo Beach.

Let me know what you think after you adjust your expectations accordingly.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Not My Usual Thing

ZataraImage via WikipediaI'm sure this isn't original, however, given that I'm attending a networking event tomorrow, and that I am, after all, a magician (think John Zatara to make this relevant), I've created a simple way to get any contact's phone number with a simple card trick.

And, you're going to hate me for this, however, I'm going to use one of those cliché magician phrases you may have seen in your lifetime. You'll know it when you see it, so, I may flag it for you. This is your basic 'pick a card' trick, which I'm sure you've seen a thousand and one times, but with a twist.

Now, I usually start those types of card tricks with a phrase similar to the following, "We're going to do a pick a card trick. That's where you pick a card, and then I find it. Because, if I picked a card and then found it, that would be, stupid." You'll need to know how to force a card selection, you may use the classic force, or, your favorite method (that's what I warned you about earlier, "Use your favorite method.")

Next, have them concentrate on their card, and ask them to take out their phone. Give them your cell#, and ask them to text you anything, while concentrating on their card. The content of the text doesn't matter, however, you may want to let them know they don't have to text you the name of the card, with a phrase like, "Don't let me read it, I've seen the trick before...."

As you know I'm sure, your phone comes with what's called a wallpaper picture, that can be well, anything. Here's the trick prep, use a picture of the card you forced earlier. When you receive the text, you can ignore or whatever, after you hand them your phone, revealing the pic of the card you forced. "Is this your card?" Hopefully, applause or laughter or both ensues, and you can get the contact's name, and enter it into your phone, as you've successfully received their number in a hopefully entertaining way.

I have yet to try this so, let me know how it works for you, or if you think you'd use this in other situations. If you don't know any card tricks, try reading this book, or this one.

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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I'm Blocked

Cover of "Kill Your Darlings"Cover of Kill Your DarlingsOr not. Some would tell you that there's no such thing as Writer's Block. Ok, me, and Lynn Mamet for two. And yes, she is related to David. From what she told me, he stole her toys as a kid. I have to wonder if that led to well, any episode of, The Unit.  So, what is it, exactly?

As previously discussed, we can't really quantify what it is. But I digress, as Peter David is fond of saying, or as of this writing, writing. What we do know is simply this: If you think you're blocked, that's the problem. You're thinking. Don't do that. Or this, or, the other thing.

Lest these look like morning pages, let me assure you, I'm writing this in the afternoon. And I may have to take a break soon, as someone from my alleged family will want the computer. I'm not alleging that I have a family, but a computer.

The first time I heard the phrase, "Writer's block" I pictured one of those blocks I had as a kid, with letters on up to six of the sides, maybe one of them had a picture of a toy. Or a duck. Why a duck? Why not a chicken? Ask Harpo, he might know. And if you haven't seen A Day at the Races, run right out to your Netflix queue, and rent it. I'm not affiliated with either Netflix or The Marx Brothers, I just thought you might enjoy it. And make sure to bet two dollars on Sun Up.

So, if we are to assume that I'm right, and I don't know why we wouldn't, it follows that you may have written something that you've thought about for a long time, and it's so brilliant that you can't write anything after, simply because none of that could compete. Or, it's ugly, however, you took the time to write it, and you don't want to get rid of it.
I once read a book, by Max Allan Collins, called Kill Your Darlings.  It's a mystery, about well, Bouchercon. Which may or may not be relevant to this rant. Basically, it's a book convention, where authors and publishers and fans go to promote, sell and buy, books. Which may be obsolete  by the time you read this, according to Seth Godin.

The phrase is relevant, simply because, at one point our hero is told to get rid of things that don't forward the plot. This also helps him solve the mystery of who shot whom, or of whom was shot, not sure.  It's a good thing. He stopped thinking, and started doing.

Procedurally, when writing, find chair, plant yourself in front of computer, and start writing. Don't stop. You'll find this method will make your stack of writer's blocks tumble down.

72 and sunny in Redondo Beach.

e You next time.

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Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Finnegan Factor

Shore Leave (Star Trek: The Original Series)Image via WikipediaThis is beginning to be a theme for this blog, actually. Another lesson from Star Trek, specifically the episode Shore Leave. Written by Theodore Sturgeon, no less. He of Sturgeon's Law fame. I'm beginning to believe that it's a conservative estimate, actually.

Where to begin, as all circular stories tend to take a point on the circumference of the circle, and move either clockwise or counterclockwise around it, until of course you get back to the point at where you started; meaning, I can't begin the beguine, as it were.

The beginning would goto the larger issue of, why are we here? As opposed to well say, there? The crew discovers what appears to be an uninhabited planet, while at the same time, needing rest from what we don't actually know, maybe what they went through last week. I don't actually know, simply because they gave the Stardates out of order.

McCoy and Sulu are on the planet, and report seeing lifeforms, where no lifeforms were previously scanned. Odd. Or, strange. Kirk beams down to investigate. Sulu finds a gun, specifically an 'old fashioned' police special, which he was thinking about previous, and amazingly, found 'over there.' Meanwhile, Kirk meets two people from his academy days, Ruth, and Finnegan. Ruth may very well be Dr. Marcus from Star Trek II, however, that's not specifically mentioned in the episode, and furthermore, not the topic of this rant.

Finnegan is a practical joker, not to be confused with The Joker, from Kirk's past. Kirk was always the butt of Finnegan's jokes. He first encounters Finnegan in the glade, and the taunting continues. A punch is exchanged, and then Kirk has to runoff, in order to find out why a Yeoman is screaming. He again encounters Finnegan toward the end, when he's almost figured out what's going on. What takes about 3 minutes of fighting occurs, interspersed with some witty and relevant dialogue, the most memorable of which is, "You stupid underclassman. I'm still 20 years old, and you're an old man!!" If we are to assume that Captain Kirk is, what, 29, or more likely, 32 at this point, it means he was a freshman, or 17 when he entered the academy.

You'd think I'd remember more of this episode, having just viewed it in its entirety at the above mentioned link, however, I guess I'm suffering from what Kirk was suffering from, at least in this ep. To keep up with everything, both online and off, one must have the wisdom and the knowledge of both Kirk, and Finnegan. The Kirk and Finnegan part of the storyline ends when Kirk finally beats up Finnegan, as it's something that he's always wanted to do.

To wit: People were here before the 'net. And those that would declare the net or the web, dead, are most likely to miss the point. The technology may change, however, people remain the same. Everything I learned in high school is apparently still true today.

72 and sunny in Redondo Beach.

As always, adjust your expectations accordingly.

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Saturday, August 14, 2010

The Muses

c. 1640-1645Image via Wikipedia

All nine of them. The original three mentioned below, shown here. The definition of Muse as opposed to the Wikipedia definition if you follow the link, is as follows:

any of a number of sister goddesses, originally given asAoede (song), Melete (meditation), and Mneme(memory), but latterly and more commonly as the nine daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne who presided over various arts

  1. Calliope
  2. Clio
  3. Erato
  4. Euterpe
  5. Melpomene
  6. Polyhymnia
  7. Terpsichore
  8. Thalia, and last, but certainly not least;
  9. Urania

Calliope (Calliopeia), the "Fair Voiced" and the eldest Muse, is the muse of epic poetry and is seen holding a writing tablet in hand, sometimes seen with a roll of paper or a book, and crowned in gold. Calliope is known for taking a fancy to Achilles and taught him how to cheer his friends by singing at banquets. She also was called by Zeus to mediate the quarrel between Aphrodite and Persephone over possession of Adonis. She settled the dispute by giving them equal time, providing Adonis some sorely needed free time to himself. By Apollo, she bore Linus, who was slain by Hercules, and Orpheus. Clearly, she had a lot to sing about....

Clio the "Proclaimer" is the muse of history and is often seen sitting with a scroll and accompanied by a chest of books. She has been credited with introducing the Phoenician alphabet into Greece. Clio had teased Aphrodite's love of Adonis, and in consequence of her wrath, Clio fell in love with Pierius, the son of Magnes and the king of Macedonia. By Pierus, she bore Hyacinth.

Erato the "Lovely" is the muse of love poetry and mimicry, and is seen with a lyre and sometimes wears a crown of roses. From here we get the term eros love, actually.

Euterpe the "Giver of Pleasure" is the muse of music and is represented with a flute. It has been said she is the inventor of the double flute. By the river Strymon, she bore Rhesus (no relation to the monkey) who was slain at Troy.

Melpomene the "Songstress" is the muse of tragedy in spite of her joyous singing and is represented by the tragic mask. She is sometimes seen with garland, a club and a sword. She is often seen wearing cothurnes, boots traditionally worn by tragic actors, and a crown of cypress. So, if you ever meet a woman with a boatload of shoes, she should be considered a tragic character. Aren't they all? :)

Polyhymnia (Polymnia), "She of Many Hymns," is the muse of Sacred Poetry and is seen with a pensive look upon her face. She brings distinction to writers whose works have won them immortal fame. She has also been called the Muse of geometry, mime, meditation and agriculture. Polyhymnia is often veiled.

Terpsichore the "Whirler" is the muse of dancing and is often seen dancing with her lyre and a plectrum, an instrument used for plucking stringed instruments. By the river god Achelous, she bore the Sirens. Those on So You Think You Can Dance are most likely inspired by her.

Thalia (Thaleia) the "Flourishing" is the muse of comedy and of playful and idyllic poetry, and is seen with a comic mask. She is sometimes seen with a crown of ivy and a crook. By Apollo, Thalia had the Corybantes, priests who castrated themselves in identification with the goddess, Cybele.

Urania the "Heavenly" is the muse of astronomy and is represented by a staff pointed at a celestial globe. She foretells the future by the position of the stars. So, if you know any astrologists, they probably worship her.

Inspiration is a funny and fickle thing. Recently, I met the living embodiment of all nine Muses, and my life will never be the same. I hope you will enjoy the dramatic left turn my life has taken with me.

72 and sunny in Redondo Beach.

Adjust your expectations accordingly.

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Friday, July 02, 2010


Or, maybe not so clear. Yes, it's going to be one of those posts, therefore, Guy Kawasaki probably won't read it. However, that's a recurring theme from another blog for which I write, unless I were to end a sentence with a preposition, in which case it would be a blog I write for.

Today's advice is, don't take my advice, unless of course it conflicts with other advice which is the same. Which is impossible, which is why I give it. Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their blog posts. I say this, simply because it may be time for a redesign. For either this blog, or others that I may or may not have.

Why, you ask? Or maybe you didn't. I don't truly know, however, I can indeed answer my own questions, as Mike Caro has been doing lately. I get the impression from the other sites out there that tell me how to do various things, that I should think of a product launch. Well, I don't have a product, beyond my words, unless moviemaking counts, however, people usually ask me to do that, and pay me quite handsomely for the privilege to make their movie for them. As with all things poker, which indeed have things to do with life itself, I've hit a dry spell recently. Haven't made a film since my recent 168 Project. Which is four months back as I type this, so, maybe, not so recent.

I've been covering various events lately, and using my Flip Mini to do so, however, I'm not really a reporter, although, the fine folks at Soak Magazine would have you think differently. The reality is, I'm a columnist, meaning, I write things like this, and again, get paid to do so. Again, this is dealing with words that I write as well. Supposedly, I must make these words look good, as supposedly, you're going to come here to read them after I write them.

I'd ask you to come here before I write them, however, that would be well, again impossible, which is quite likely why I do it. Getting back to the original rant, er, post, I feel that a lot of advice out there conflicts with other advice, and according to some, I get to pick which advice to take. Great. I'll do that.

What this means is simple. I will at some point, redesign all of my sites, to make them different from the others. I will also start posting more frequently than I have been of late, as apparently, it's the only way to launch a product that I don't have. And furthermore, I'll do this everyday, or not, as I've been told that I should blog everyday, while at the same time, I should only do so when I have something to say.

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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Yes, That's Right...

I have no time to do all the things I'm getting paid to do. In addition, I'm creating new work for myself, that will at some point generate income. Therefore, to those of you that may read this as a tweet, or a post, or whatever, do know that I will get to everything within the next 12 hours, whether or not you've hired me to do it. Thanks!!!

Posted via email from matchesmalone's posterous

Friday, April 23, 2010

Why I'm not currently Tweeting at my Usual Rate....

Waiting for a film to import to iMovie, and I'm going to watch The Mentalist while it does....

Posted via email from matchesmalone's posterous

Monday, April 12, 2010

This is a job for...

Wait, wrong blog. Ok, I'll rant here. There have been several things swirling around my brain lately, and this will be a rant that is random, as opposed to a random rant. Which is still another blog that I have.

Seth Godin believes that you shouldn't watch TV according to this post, but what he specifically describes in his blog, is the TV watching you. I get that. What about those of us that are in the industry? Doesn't it make sense to keep track of current trends, so we aren't accused of stealing someone else's ideas? Furthermore, multitasking is alive and well. While I have the TV on in the background, I'm composing this entry, and tweeting as well. I also have several other tabs open, with various stories that will contribute to other posts either here or elsewhere. He's wrong about this one, that's all I'm saying....

Of course, now that I'm mentioning him in this post, he'll get more link juice, which is a good thing, for him. It may at some point create a larger readership for me, however, I don't necessarily know that I want the larger readership that everyone else says I should have. If everyone is doing the same thing to increase their following, how does one stand out?

I once read that the follow me and I'll follow you paradigm is six years out of date, as of this writing. I came to the conclusion that to stand out, one must lead. If you want to go where I'm going, then by all means, follow. On Twitter :) Otherwise, it's not necessary. At the same time, if you're following me, there should be no obligation on my end to return the favor. I've stated this elsewhere, so, no need to repeat.

I just read something else that says I shouldn't be obligated to post a blog entry everyday. Or is it, every day? I get those two confused, sometimes. Probably because the first time I used the wrong one, I learned the other usage, and get the two confused.

Great, I got distracted. If anything resonates, by all means, leave a comment. This rant is effectively over.

Of course, I reserve the right to post another one, elsewhere, later....

72 and sunny in Redondo Beach.

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Wednesday, April 07, 2010

I've Noticed a Disturbing Trend Recently....

About, content. It's what you're reading right now, and what I'm providing for you. I'm creating this content myself, simply because, well, I can. Are you depending on me to create content for you? Probably not. You might be creating your own, or, you might be satisfied absorbing, taking in, reading, or watching content that others create. That's ok too.

What I don't believe to be ok, is to ask others to create content for you, and then not pay for the privilege, like this recent tweet. It would seem to me, that they're asking you for your review on the film in question, and are going to incorporate it into theirs. These guys aren't the only ones guilty of regurgitating content, just the most recent.

There was a column in a magazine that most of you haven't heard of, so, I won't mention it, who's subhead was, "There are 20 people creating for the rest of us, many will contribute to this column." That's a paraphrase, and now more than ever, with the 'net out there, it looks to me like most are relying on their own set of 20 or so people to create for them, and maybe they're not doing anything original themselves.

Think about this for a second. There are for instance, six, or seven major movie studios out there, depending on the outcome of what happens to MGM, that for the most part, decide what you see on the big screen. And until such time as the current distribution bottleneck is cured, (37,000 screens in 6200 theatres as of this writing) this won't change. The answer isn't more distributors, as there are many more than just those above, and the answer isn't more theatres, as even though box office goes up from year to year, attendance itself remains relatively flat, and the $10 ticket you bought last year will mostly likely cost $11 today.

And these people aren't really even making their own films, they're simply making sure that you can see them. I read once that Paramount for the most part, except for maybe its resuscitated Star Trek franchise, is not in the business of making movies anymore, they're simply distributing them.

Was tweeting around the other day, and came across an article about blog scrapers, and how there's a whole cadre of people out there that have 'bots crawling around, grabbing content, and putting it on their own site. The unsuspecting among you might believe this to be original with the site your visiting, when the reality is, someone else took the time and effort to post somewhere else, quite possibly with the expectation that you'd read it there, and click on their links on their blog. Will this madness end?

Let me know what you think, and when you think it in the comments below. That is, if you've read this far, and haven't reposted it on your own site.

72 and sunny in Redondo Beach.

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Saturday, March 20, 2010

For Those of You That Wish to Tell Me How to Tweet....

Don't. Ok, that was about 499 words shorter than it should be, so, to elaborate, here's a list:

  • I'm not here for the same reason you are
  • No one else is, either
  • Or, put simply, I'm unique, just like everybody else.
So, now that I've created a list for Guy Kawasaki to read, I shall continue.

Most of this material has been covered elsewhere, so, my 3 readers may stop here, and go back to tweeting. The rest of you, stay tuned, and you might get why it's an art, not a science.

Social Media is the great buzzword(s) of the almost completed 1st decade of the 21st Century. Let's drop the social, shall we? It's media. @1938Media, to be exact. As far as I can tell, he's one of the first that figured out that Twitter should be used to broadcast. He's also called it a link farm. Both distinctions are correct, as anyone can see from observance.

I've stated when I first started with Twitter that it's a global chatroom, and I still stand by that distinction, over a year later. The term "on steroids" could be attached, however, that's been so overused as to become cliché, so, I won't do that. I can have a conversation with a million or so of my closest friends, even though psychologists believe that you can only really maintain 150 or so close relationships, on average. Psychiatrists, on the other hand, have a doctorate, and may think something else entirely.

Of course, as of this writing, I only have a little less than 4000 followers, however, I exaggerate for emphasis, which should always be put on the correct syllable. The point my friends, is that the show never ends. It may not be important that I had coffee made this morning to you, however, the fine folks at an unnamed coffee emporium (because they didn't pay me to mention them) might care. A broadcast can turn into a conversation. I'm currently having one with Warren Whitlock. It might be over by now, however, it's on the record. So, the Twitter Record can be considered to be, the Twecord. Quick, someone goto the Urban Dictionary.

When you talk to a journalist via Twitter, ask that your conversation be off the Twecord, and see what they say. Just a humorous aside, for those that get humor, and asides....

To proceed, and as always, you must proceed according to procedures, the fact that I tweet about things that may or may not be of use to you, doesn't truthfully concern me. If you don't like what I tweet, you should know by now how to unfollow me. I'm not using Twitter to win any popularity contests, as Ashton Kutcher has basically already done that. Why am I using Twitter? It's all part of, The Experiment, which I've talked on previously. You are probably not using it for the same reason, and that's ok. No one else is using it for the same reason you are, either.

72 and sunny in Redondo Beach.

Please, Retweet.

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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Andrew Koenig Missing #HelpChekov

Andrew Koenig, the son of Star Trek actor Walter Koenig, is missing. The last time Andrew Koenig
was seen was on Valentine's Day, February 14, 2010, in Vancouver, British Columbia. Andrew
Koenig never boarded his flight back to the US, and he hasn't heard from since then.

He was last seen at a bakery in the Stanley Park area of Vancouver.

Andrew is white, 5 feet 5 inches tall, 135 pounds and has shoulder length brown hair and brown eyes.

Andrew Koenig, 41, was working as the video producer on the show "Never Not Funny" as well as
doing improv in Los Angeles. Best known as "Boner" from "Growing Pains", Andrew also had a role in
"Deep Space Nine", and is a talented actor director, editor and photographer as well as a passionate
activist. In 2008, he was arrested at the Rose Bowl while protesting China's part in the genocide in
the country of Burma.

This is a serious matter that has Koenig's friends and family gravely concerned. If you have seen him,
emailed him or had any contact after the 14th or spent time with him during his stay in Vancouver
please call Detective Raymond Payette of the Vancouver PD at 604-717-2534.

Please share this and send prayers and positive thoughts. If you wish to leave Walter a note, visit his
site at:

This is the canned post from his site. On a personal note, I've met Walter on a few occasions, and I truly believe
That no parent should have to go through this, which is why I'm attempting to get this trending on Twitter.

Do what you can, when you can, I always say.

Friday, January 08, 2010

The USS Constellation Effect...

I've tweeted about this, several times recently, so, I felt it was time to explain. Why haven't I posted this to a different blog? You may ask, and I may answer. Leave a comment. I will respond. Oh, and consider this a nerd alert; Star Trek will be discussed, however, not at length. Really, just the one episode....

The Doomsday Machine, is considered a classic Trek episode by many, myself included. It deals with a giant weapon from another galaxy, wreaking havoc on ours. Of course, our heroes are the only ones that can stop it. Of course, they do, and we get to tune in next week for further adventures of Kirk, Spock and crew. Of course, as a child, recalling this as the first episode of Trek I ever saw, I didn't know that :)

Some classic Kirk lines:
  • Scotty, you've just earned your pay for the week!
  • Not with my ship you don't!!!
  • Spock, you don't know.
  • I found one, quite sufficient.
Spock gets his as well:
  • No sir. 97.835 Megatons.
  • Vulcans never bluff!!!
Commodore Decker, the captain of the aforementioned USS Constellation, replies to that last one, "No, I don't suppose they do..." He's currently in command of the Enterprise at this point, simply because Kirk and Scotty, and the rest of his damage control crew, are aboard the Constellation, attempting to breathe life into Decker's dead ship. They actually manage to do this.

Without giving away the ending, which I'm sure you can find elsewhere, if you don't recall the episode itself, I'll explain The USS Constellation Effect: After Scotty expertly rewires the impulse drive to the warp drive controls so that Kirk can pilot the ship solo from auxiliary engineering, we see the Constellation flying through space. At a reduced speed. It inches across the screen. Slowly. Chugs would be an apt description. How many of you can hear the impulse engines screaming to get up to speed?

Why is this relevant? For those that don't already know, I've been borrowing a PC from a friend, while I decide what to do with my Mac, and it's dead hard drive. Well, I know what to do, it's just going to take time to send the drive back to "failed hard drive company name here" and get back a new drive. My former Mac, and my current borrowed PC, came out at the same time. I could bore you with specs, however, suffice it to say, all computers aren't created equal, and if you thought I was going to espouse the virtues of switching the other way, as Bill Gates would have you believe, you're sadly mistaken. While the CPU speeds are relatively the same, other specs leave the PC sadly lacking. To get it to where the Mac already is, I'd have to spend about another $750, which one, I don't have, and B, it's not mine to alter.

So, when someone tells you PC's are cheaper than Macs, you may either believe them, meaning you've gone to Best Buy and done a price comparison, OR, you can ask those that know. Like me. I mean, I thought 2007 was three years ago....

72 and sunny in Redondo Beach.