Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Fraction Magic - Detailed Vote Rigging Demonstration

Watch and learn.


Simple math methinks. I learned fractions in 3rd grade. I didn't realize that you could tell a machine how to do things and when to do them until about six years later.

That's ancient history for most of you, as it took place before you were born. I'm simply saying in this case, unless you have a masters in Computer Science from the University of Stupendous Choices, that I know more than you do.

The grammarians among you may be thinking to yourself, "Self, one of those commas isn't necessary." To which I simply state, "Not the point!!!!!"

I don't want to distract from the message of the video, however, if you don't have 24 plus minutes to watch and learn then to put simply, x*y doesn't always equal z.

Wherein x is the number of votes, y is less than or greater than one, and z becomes more votes than actually cast in Nevada for instance.

Now I'm not one to complain, however, I shall lament.

We brought this on ourselves. The need for the technology that allows me to write this here in the beach that is round and you read it wherever you are exists.

A hundred years ago, we didn't have any of it. We had amazing mathematicians and theoreticians that visualized all the formulas that are taking place in the background that you may not even know about today.

Einstein, Tesla, and the like. Aside: Einstein never said, "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

Much thanks to my friends on Twitter that found this video. It may be down by the time you read this. 

72 and sunny in Redondo Beach. As far as you know....

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