Thursday, November 07, 2024

A Picture

is worth a thousand words, or so they say. We've quite possibly not talked about who "they" are.  Maybe we have. I once said somewhere that, "We don't know who they are. Well, I do."  

The mysterious they are quite possibly those that know more than you do.  We don't care what they know, as long as they know more.  I'm not saying that I know more than you do. I'm typing it.

These days with all the various AIs out there, you can probably write a thousand words, and have it represented as a picture. I'm sure the tech has gotten to a point wherein you can create a video of a living woman in various stages of undress doing things that you couldn't show in a PG-13 movie.  

However, you can probably talk about them.  I didn't realize I was going to write about the MPAA's rating system today, but here we are.  

A beautiful naked woman walks along a public beach.  As long as she doesn't have sex with anyone on it, you get an R rating.  She can even kiss someone. That same woman in a bikini gets a PG-13, as her parts are covered.

If she were to start making love to someone on that same beach, you'd be in NC-17 territory. Back in my day, that rating was X, until the porn industry jacked it, and made it XXX.  In 2024 we even have the ability to buy the extension for any domain. 

PG will be something without offensive language or violence, and a G rated movie doesn't even have that, however, there is conflict, as that's the essence of all drama.  

We have the ability to enter into the language part of this discussion, as we're discussing creating words that add up to a certain number to describe a simple visual.  I once did the math on how many words it would take to make a movie this way. 

Some would say that you can use the F word, as that's how adults talk, however, I was raised in a polite society wherein you shouldn't be using The Seven Words You Can't Say on Television. Visually we can describe something without them.  

As a writer, I'd simply use three words: They make love.  

Hopefully that's only two people in the privacy of their own home? 

The same scene can take place outdoors at a secluded beach or park. 

There's a possibility that there's more than simply two people that make up "they." That's for the author to decide, as I'm simply reporting on what may happen.  

I started this discussion with a concept about knowing about "they."  They are not us, and we are not them. You may never be part of a they, unless someone wants to lay an epithet on you.

I'm about half way to my goal, and I don't necessarily know that these words would necessarily create an image that anyone wants to see. I could attempt to crank out more, however, I think that's enough for today, as I have other writing to do elsewhere that you probably won't get to read either.

You may see it someday however.

72 and sunny in Redondo Beach. e You next time™

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